Stewardship Renewal
"It is easy to love the people far away. It is not always easy to love those close to us... Bring love into you home, for this is where our love for each other must start." -St. Teresa of Calcutta Whether "home" is a studio apartment for one, or a house bursting at the seams with family, a stewardship way of life begins at home. Each household that makes up the Holy Family Area is a small part of our larger, extended parish family. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that each of our homes, "Can and should be called a domestic church" (2204). That is why it is so important to live as Christian stewards in every aspect of daily life, beginning right in our very own homes. In the Holy Family Area, we have adopted stewardship as a way of life for our parish family. As we enter into this time of Renewal, we are focusing in particular on daily life within each of our "domestic churches" and asking ourselves if we are truly living as Christian stewards every day of the week. |
Will you join this effort by making commitments in the following areas? Time: Set aside time for personal prayer and family prayer |
Renewal Ministry Catalog | |
We encourage you to look through the Renewal Ministry Catalog by clicking the link to the right and read about any ministry that excites you and then fill out the Online Commitment Card also linked on the right! |