Each parish in our Holy Family Area has their own cemetery. They are well taken care of and all are a beautiful place to visit, reflect and pray. The cemetery personnel are encouraging families to think about making arrangements for their burial ahead of time. It can be comfort to know that this has been done and it also makes one less detail for grieving family members to deal with. According to state and diocesan laws, one grave (plot) can receive one full remains; or one full remains and one cremated remains; or two cremated remains. Cost of lots vary from cemetery to cemetery. Part of the cost of each grave site goes to the perpetual care of the cemetery. This insures the grave sites will always be cared for.
Church of St. Andrew Cemetery
Church of St. James
Church of St. Joseph Cemetery
- One permanent, one-legged flower container per plot. Ground level containers are permitted but must be placed on the stone or foundation or be removed by June 15. One-legged plant stands may remain on site.
- The entire cemetery will have all decorations removed early in the spring and again in the fall by Nov. 1
- Fresh cut flowers are welcome but may be removed prior to mowing. Decor will be removed as soon as it becomes windblown, unsightly or dangerous.
- Remove Memorial Day decor by June 15. Remove Christmas decor by March 1.
- Floral arrangements and other decor will be allowed for an extended period of time following a burial.
- Veteran's bronze stars are allowed and may remain on site. Nothing else should be stuck in the ground, with the exception of the aforemetioned flower containers.
- Bird feeders, wind chimes, solar lights, team flags, toys, keepsakes, garden stones, glass vases, candles and statues are not permitted on graves.
- Please no wires, hook or bingee cords.
- In-ground planting or flowers, shrubs and trees is not permitted.
- No private mowing, trimming, use of herbicides or edging material.
- Please do not drive in the cemetery or on the grass. Vehicles must remain on the cemetery road.
- No dumping of any kind.
- A marking permit must be paid prior to any foundation or setting work. Cemetery staff must be notified 48 hours prior to placement to insure proper marking of location. Fee is $25.
- Only flat, ground level markers are permitted in the SE section of the cemetery.
- All graves, either traditional or for cremation must be approved and marked by a cemetery official.
- All grave preparations must be performed by an authorized grave digger or licensed funeral home staff.